Monday, February 26, 2007

So yes indeed, the wonderful and lovely Beth has yet again won the Oscar Predicting competition. And not just won either, truly opened up a can of whoop up in here!!

I've only briefly tallied them up but I believe I came last with 7 correct, followed by Tom with eight. Beth however, got 12 categories right!! This, I believe, is a new record so well done to Beth on that one.

It wasn't a hugely surprising night, although I really didn't think The Departed would take home the gong for Picture. Even so, its a worthy winner and its great to finally see Scorsese get his Oscar for a genuinely wonderful moment in his career. A few have obviously begun a backlash saying this one was given to him as owed goods but I would dispute that. The Departed is a true auteurist piece from the Great Man, exploring many of the key thematic concerns his best work has had at its heart. Its great to see him finally take home the prize and he deserved it thoroughly.

The only other vague surprise was Melissa Etheridge taking home best song over the three Dreamgirls nominations. Otherwise, fairly solid night.

We are starting a new feature now called Personal 66. In it, folks get to choose their favourite albums, songs, books, comics, DVDs, films and then three personal items. We have no reason to do this and it won't go towards anything, but who cares. Let's do it anyway. First one should arrive within the next few weeks along with a fuller indication of the rules.

Another year down then, and fun it was too. Later everyone. xoxoxo


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