Saturday, January 27, 2007

REVIEW: Blood Diamond

This film had a chequered past on Plattenspieler. It looked a cracker on paper, but then the trailer comes out and they pick easily the two worst moments of DiCaprio's South African accent and particularly the moment when he utters, "bling bang". It became a minor running joke and all of a sudden, our hype for this died. But awards season came round and a few rewards for Djimon Hounsou and Leo gave us some want to see. So we did, and as it previous relationship had suggested, its a mixed experience.

On the whole, its a superb adventure movie. DiCaprio and Hounsou manage to supply the requisite amount of buddy moments infused with pathos and a sense of conflict between their characters. The whole first half, as the issue of diamond trading and smugglers is explored is excellent, riveting socio-political commentary meets sweeping vistas and breathtaking moments and action and violence. The scenes of Hounsou's son being indoctrinated into the guerilla group is particularly moving and troubling. Di Caprio is fabulous in this first half too, with a note perfect accent and supply charm offsetting his character's inherent shitbag-ness. Indeed, DiCaprio's character is a total bastard, and the fact you sympathise with him in these opening scenes is quite a feat of acting.

The second half, while still high quality in terms of action loses its political head, becoming first non-existent as Ed Zwick decides to add both love story and eventual redemption to his narrative, and then steaming back into view with a horribly preachy end coda. The redemption moments of DiCaprio are even worse, backing away from his finishes as the asshole we begun loving to allow humanity and goodness to seep through. The final phone conversation goes on far too long and the movie loses steam. Up to that point though, its brilliant stuff, but you can't help feeling that in the hands of a truly skilled auteur, Oliver Stone or Michael Mann spring to mind, this could have been a genuine modern classic. An important issue has a light shined upon it but never quite bright enough.

Film: Blood Diamond
Director: Ed Zwick

Plattenspieler Rating: 7.0/10


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